If your dentures aren’t as comfortable and functional as they used to be, and having them adjusted, relined or even replaced isn’t solving the problem, you’re certainly not alone. This sort of problem is quite common among people who wear conventional dentures – especially after a few years of denture use – and has made normal, everyday activities, like eating, laughing and speaking, much harder than they should be for generations of denture-wearers. However, modern dentistry has come up with some great solutions – new, improved types of dentures that can solve that ill-fitting denture problem forever.
While conventional dentures have served millions of people well over the many generations they’ve been in use, they have always had some limitations. Among the more notable of those limitations is the inability to protect against bone loss in the jaws, which begins to occur as soon as tooth loss happens. The issue is the lack of tooth roots to stimulate bone cell formation in the jaw. Without that stimulation, the jawbones slowly shrink away in a process called resorption, and since the gum ridge that your dentures rest on depends on that bone to retain its structure, shape, and size, it shrinks away right along with it.
That’s why dentures – even the best fitting ones – will loosen and become unstable over time. While having them relined or replacing them often resolves that problem for a while, for many people, bone loss eventually becomes advanced enough that a good fit can’t be achieved anymore, leaving them to struggle with ill-fitting dentures.
Ill-fitting dentures are, of course, quite a hassle as you eat, speak, or laugh, and when they slip, click, or even fall out, they can be very embarrassing. While those issues are the most obvious ones to denture-wearers, loose, unstable dentures can cause other problems too, including mouth sores, gum infections, and the motion and uneven pressure they place on the gum ridge can accelerate bone loss, making denture fit even worse and causing premature facial aging.
Newer types of dentures, supported by dental implants, can help address that chief limitation – bone loss – that creates these long-term problems in denture wearers. Because dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone, they act as artificial tooth roots, stimulating the jaw much like your natural tooth roots once did to keep it stronger, denser, and healthier. Additionally, since the dentures placed upon the implants are firmly anchored to the jawbone, they do not slip, slide, click, or fall out, holding strong and steady as you eat, laugh, and speak – much like natural teeth.
Implant-supported dentures can be removable, snapped or hooked onto the implants every morning, or permanent, left in place 24-7 like natural teeth. They are an option for most dental patients, even many with extensive bone loss — thanks to newer materials, surgical techniques, and bone augmentation technologies. So if you’re suffering with ill-fitting dentures, come in and see Dr. Lee or Dr. DeFelice for a consultation to find out just what options are available to help you solve your problem once and for all.
2285 Rudolphtown Rd Suite 200, Clarksville, TN 37043
Phone: (931) 552-3292
Email: cumberlandsurgicalarts@gmail.com