One of the most common problems denture wearers experience is a slow, steady change in the way their dentures fit and function. These changes occur due to gradual loss of bone in the jaw – a natural consequence of tooth loss. As the jawbone shrinks, becoming smaller in both height and width, the gum ridge it supports shrinks too. Because dentures rest on that gum ridge and are customized to fit its shape and size, dentures loosen as this happens, and for many patients, end up feeling too big for their mouths. What are your options if this has happened to you?
If you are still wearing your first set of dentures and have not yet had them attended to by your dentist, having them relined may help. However, if the gum ridge has shrunk away to the point that the dentures are just too large to fit well, relining likely isn’t enough to obtain a secure fit, and having a new set made may be your best option.
If you have been wearing dentures for some years now and find that relining or replacing them no longer works to provide a good fit, adding support and stability to them with dental implants is an option to discuss with Dr. Lee or Dr. Lilly – our oral and maxillofacial surgeons here at Cumberland Surgical Arts and Associates, PLLC. For many patients, placing fixtures on the underside of dentures that snap onto two or more implants that are surgically placed into the jaw offers the stability and comfort that relining or replacing dentures no longer can.
This is often the most satisfying option for patients who have suffered from ill-fitting dentures for a while since it offers solutions that look, feel and function like natural teeth. Additionally, restorations done on a foundation of dental implants will not loosen over time as traditional dentures do, so you won’t have to put up with denture slipping anymore, nor will you have to reline or replace them every couple of years to maintain a good fit and function.
Options for total mouth restoration with dental implants include removable, implant-supported overdentures, which snap or hook onto dental implants – typically between 6 to 8 – placed in the jaw, or permanent dentures, which remain in the mouth like natural teeth, only removable by your dentist. To restore your smile with permanent dentures, Dr. Lee or Dr. Lilly may need to place anywhere from 4 to 8 implants in each jaw, depending upon your needs. Permanent dentures are lighter and more comfortable than removable options, typically do not cover the roof of the mouth, and are easier to care for, since they simply require the same brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups and cleanings as natural teeth.
So there are your basic options to take care of unstable dentures that feel too big for your mouth. Notice, doing nothing is not one of them. That’s because loose, ill-fitting dentures can cause a lot of trouble if you don’t get them fixed, including mouth sores, gum infections, and accelerated bone loss, and can even cause trouble with your overall health, as difficulty eating results in poor nutrition. So if your dentures need attention, see Dr. Lee, Dr. Lilly, or your dentist as soon as you can to find out which of these options may be the best solution for you.
Are you ready to explore other teeth replacement options besides dentures? If so, download our free ebook, Top 3 Best Ways to Replace Missing Teeth.
2285 Rudolphtown Rd Suite 200, Clarksville, TN 37043
Phone: (931) 552-3292