You may think only older people wear dentures. But you would be wrong.
Young denture wearers are not uncommon. If you are a young person that needs dentures or already has them, you are not alone. Young people need dentures due to a variety of causes, including:
Louisiana State University Health Shreveport reports that 69% of adults between the ages of 35 and 44 are missing at least 1 permanent tooth. The Biting into Denture Care Survey, conducted by Survata, found that 53% of denture wearers were 44 years old or younger when they first got dentures.
As you explore options for replacing missing teeth, you may want to commiserate with other people who can understand the challenges you may face as a young denture wearer. The good news is they are out there.
Other young people with dentures share your concerns and reach out to have their questions answered or to tell their stories. There are online discussion groups you can join to learn about other young people’s experiences with dentures. Whiter and Brighter is a blog written by a person who received dentures in their 20s and is devoted to giving advice to young denture wearers. Experience Project hosts a discussion group devoted to young denture wearers.
Some young denture wearers even post videos that chronicle the process of getting dentures. Watching their videos will let you know what to expect as you start your journey towards tooth replacement.
When you see the smiling faces of these young people and hear about how their lives have changed since getting dentures, you may feel more confident about making your decision.
As a young person, you are on the threshold of experiences that will shape your life in the future. With dentures, you can overcome the self-consciousness that comes from tooth loss and say goodbye to the discomfort of bad teeth.
Today, you have options beyond traditional removable dentures. Implant-supported permanent dentures are not your grandparent’s dentures.
With just 4 implants, you can receive a whole row of natural-looking, new teeth. Because these dentures are anchored to your jaw with the implants, you won’t have to worry about losing bone, so you keep your youthful looks. They are also easier to care for because they can be brushed and flossed like natural teeth.
At this time in your life, you are building friendships and exploring romance. Implant-supported dentures will enable you to enjoy talking and eating with friends without concern. Being able to show off your beautiful new smile will make you feel more attractive as you explore love interests. You can also feel more confident about building your career. When you head into a job interview, you’ll know that you look your best and can speak with confidence.
Before you get dentures, you want to be sure you are making the right decision. Reaching out to discussion groups, friends, counselors, or dental professionals can help you in the decision-making process. Ultimately, dental implants may be the best alternative for tooth replacement.
Dental implants have many advantages over removable dentures. Unlike dentures, dental implants are a permanent solution. They also solve the problem of bone loss, so you keep your youthful look. With implants, your replacement teeth look natural and stay in place, eliminating concerns about socializing or being romantic.
If you are worried that you can’t afford dental implants, Cumberland will work with you to help fit them into your budget. You can find more information about payment options in our blog, 8 Factors That Affect Dental Implant Cost.
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