7 Tips to Enjoy Food as Denture Wearer
Posted by pbhssysadmin Oct 29, 2015
If you’ve ever had braces, you’ll remember initially thinking, “This isn’t so bad. Everyone else has them, so it’s no big deal.” Then your orthodontist went into a long, detailed list of forbidden foods – and you were devastated. Your two favorite food groups, caramel apples and popcorn, topped the list and were gone for the next three years, which, at the time, might as well have been forever.
Fast-forward some years, and you’re adjusting to life as a new denture wearer or are living with dentures you have had for years. While you are extremely pleased with the way your dentures look and feel, every time you are about to enjoy a meal, you are reminded of that dreaded conversation you had years before.
Unlike when you had braces, these forbidden foods are no longer off limits.
- Be careful with hot and cold.
With dentures, your mouth cannot sense temperature like it used to, which can make it difficult to eat very hot or cold foods. But instead of asking for your tea lukewarm or for melted ice cream, just pay extra attention so you can slowly get used to the new sensation of eating hot and cold foods. The extreme temperatures will not affect your dentures or the adhesives.
- Avoid a favorite side of your mouth.
You may not have noticed that you tend to chew more on one side than the other. (After reading this, though, you will.) This can cause the dentures to feel loose or even sore and painful on the favored side. Practice chewing using both sides of your mouth while you are transitioning to dentures and as you continue to wear them to avoid misalignment and irritations.
- Test several adhesives.
While too many options can leave you overwhelmed or confused, options can be a blessing when it comes to denture adhesives. Some denture wearers may find that a zinc-free adhesive works especially well to create a protective barrier against food that can irritate the gums. Others may find one brand works better than another for no explicable reason at all. Test several over-the-counter brands to see which works for you.
- Keep drinking your favorite liquids.
Dentures are an investment in your oral health and in your appearance. If drinking your favorite blueberry smoothie causes stains on your teeth, it’s likely that giving it up will solve the problem. However, denying yourself your favorite teas, coffees, wines, or fruit drinks isn’t the most enticing answer. With an over-the-counter denture cleaner and hydrogen peroxide, you can easily keep stains at bay and continue to enjoy all beverages.
- Sorry, but just say no to candy.
It shouldn’t be as devastating to you now as it was back then, but sadly some candy is still off limits. Just like with natural teeth, candy can cause dentures to break or chip. Instead of hard candies, caramels, and gum, you can still get your sweet fix with soft chocolates and cakes!
- Chew, chew, and then chew some more.
Rather than saying no to steak, carrots, and apples, you can enjoy those foods if you dive in with some caution. Be certain to take small bites and chew the food evenly and well. It may require a bit more work to get used to eating firmer foods, but it can be done with some patience and attention to detail.
- Consider an alternative.
Dentures today aren’t the braces of yesterday, but there are certain restrictions and special considerations you must take to ensure they stay intact. With permanent teeth via dental implant surgery, you enjoy your food consumption life more or less restriction-free. With dental implants, eat all of the candy, steak, and corn on the cob you desire (we recommend everything in moderation, of course!) without fear of dislodging your dentures or food becoming stuck under the gum line.
The tips above will help you feel more comfortable when choosing foods either at the restaurant or the market. For even more confidence when eating, dental implants will always be your best bet.
Enjoy food without worry. Click here to book a dental implant consultation with Dr. Lee or Dr. DeFelice today.