If you’re having trouble with dentures that don’t fit quite right, causing discomfort or pain, difficulty biting and chewing your food, and/or embarrassing denture slipping or clicking as you speak or laugh, you aren’t alone. These are very common problems for denture wearers, and most will feel the effects of ill-fitting dentures at some point during their years of denture use.
However, they aren’t problems you have to live with. If you’re dealing with these discomforts day-to-day and the standard remedies – relining or replacing your dentures – haven’t resolved your loose denture problem, here are 3 ways to make your dentures fit better.
Your dentures rely on the gum ridge for their primary support. Since that ridge, in turn, relies on the support of the underlying bone of the jaw to maintain its shape and size, changes in the quality, quantity, and shape of that bone tissue change the gum ridge too, undermining the support your dentures need to stay in place and function properly.
Among the more common problems seen in denture wearers over time are changes in the height and width of the jawbone, and the development of uneven surfaces on the jaw – lumps or areas where the bone tissue has compressed or folded over – that make achieving a good denture fit difficult.
These issues can be resolved in a number of ways by experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons, including bone and/or tissue grafting or other minor procedures to smooth, enhance, or reshape the surface of the jawbone. So if your dentist hasn’t had any luck providing you with a comfortable set of dentures, seeing Dr. Lee or Dr. Lilly for a thorough examination of your jawbone is probably the best route to the relief you need.
Adding extra support with dental implants is another way to make dentures fit better when relining or replacing them isn’t enough. This can be done with both upper or lower dentures but is most commonly done to stabilize a “floating” lower denture. Typically, 2 or more implants are placed in the jaw, and corresponding attachments are placed on the underside of the denture, allowing the denture to snap onto the implants, holding it solidly in place.
While dentures were once the only real solution for total tooth loss and have served many people well, there are better options today. More reliable options for long-term stability and comfort include permanent, implant-supported dentures, which look, feel, and function like natural teeth, and implant-supported removable overdentures, which snap onto implants for secure, stable retention.
Implant-based dental restorations offer advantages that traditional dentures cannot, including a much greater level of stability – both immediately and over the long run. Permanent dentures or removable overdentures will not loosen over time like traditional dentures, since the dental implants that anchor them offer protection against the bone loss at the root of that problem. So if you’re interested in a long-term solution for loose, ill-fitting dentures, a consultation with Dr. Lee or Dr. Lilly to explore your options for dental implant restoration is the way to go.
The bottom line is that living with the discomfort and embarrassment that loose dentures can cause really isn’t necessary, nor is it good for your oral and overall health. So if you have been making do with ill-fitting dentures, give Cumberland Surgical Arts a call to see what Dr. Lee and Dr. Lilly can do to provide you with a solid, stable, and attractive new smile.
Are you ready to explore other teeth replacement options besides dentures? If so, download our free ebook, Top 3 Best Ways to Replace Missing Teeth.
2285 Rudolphtown Rd Suite 200, Clarksville, TN 37043
Phone: (931) 552-3292
Email: cumberlandsurgicalarts@gmail.com